Water Leak Detection System

WLD system consists of water leak detector, sensor cable and wld panel. Water leak detection system provides an effective environment monitoring solution for problems related to water leak in data, server & computer rooms. Further, this is an ultra-compact device along with efficient sensor cables monitor which can detect & communicate the existence of liquid via audio- visual alarms to server administrators.

Investing in water leak detection devices makes a lot of sense for data centers, given the very real risk water damage poses. Additional incentives include lower premiums that insurance companies offer when you set up water detection systems. Water - In the right place - is our most important commodity but water leaks, in the wrong place at the wrong time can damage a business in a big way.

What seems like an insignificant problem can cost millions when it comes to lost computer data, Water leakage detection system is become first in list of priorities to protect infrastructure. The presence of water can mean damages to equipment or a loss of Critical Services, especially electrical. Thus Water leak Detection System is useful for early detection where preventive action can be taken. Other applications are where water detection is useful include areas like waste water management, archive facilities or power plant.

Water leak detection systems early detects potential water leakage problem. Notification can be obtained over alarm, e-mail & SMS. It ensures highest uptime for your business. False alarm can be avoided with help of adjustable sensitive threshold. Event logging to for easy diagnostic Leakage detection can be done over distance, zone or specific spot. It reduces major financial risk at minimal cost. Web interfaced owned telecommunications switches, damaged files. Personnel safety can be threatened by roof leaks in building or by fire from water caused electrical short circuits.

A WLDS unit consists of monitoring panel, leak sensing cable, power supply, u clip etc. Length of leak sensing cables mainly determines speediness of detection and cost of equipment. Length of leak detection cable off course depends on size or room but for same size of room designer can use any length of cable depending on how fast detection should be. Monitoring panel available different types depending on features like alarm, SMS facility, Dry contactsand numbers of Zone etc.